To nurture the entrepreneurial spirit within the young minds, TDF MSC embarked on a groundbreaking journey by introducing the inaugural Children’s Market in Feb 2023. This two-day extravaganza featured a remarkable array of 103 stalls, offering an eclectic blend of culinary delights, captivating games, exquisite crafts, and delightful entertainment. Welcoming over 1,000 visitors, this event provided budding entrepreneurs with a unique platform to conceptualize, manage, and experience their own business ventures firsthand.

Participants enthusiastically engaged in activities that fostered creative thinking, honed problem-solving abilities, and fostered invaluable networking skills. Through this experience, they also developed crucial administrative and communication competencies. The Children’s Market was an undeniable triumph, earning notable coverage in mainstream media and leaving an indelible mark on the journey of young entrepreneurs.

As a result of the initial event’s spectacular success, we provided young entrepreneurs another opportunity to shine and display their creative abilities in Sep 2023 by announcing the second edition of TDF MSC Children’s Market.


The Second editions of Children’s Market exceeded all expectations turning out to be even a bigger success than the previous event. Over the course of two days, we witnessed the transformation of young minds into confident business leaders. The event drew an impressive crowd of visitors who marveled at the creativity, dedication, and enthusiasm of these young entrepreneurs.

Stay tuned for the next edition.




Visitors Feedback

Picture of Yusra Hamed

Yusra Hamed

Absolutely loved every minute of it! Very well organised and coordinated.. The crowd was awesome as always

Picture of Amna


All arrangements were very well done. The staff was super helpful and cooperative. This time there were a lot more professional sellers with a child front than last time.

Picture of Afirah Moosa

Afirah Moosa

This was our second time attending the Children's Market as Stall holder and our experience was great. Its a great opportunity for Childrens to express and open themselves.

Picture of Zaryab Khan

Zaryab Khan

Loved the exposure, participation and environment. A great learning experience for all of us as a family

Picture of Raheel


It was a great opportunity for kids to built their confident and become succesful entrepreneurs in future they enjoyed a lot while doing this activity and had fun as well.

Picture of Fouzan Ali

Fouzan Ali

Had an amazing experience. Learned and enjoyed a lot. Will surely join again in future.


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