Privacy Policy

  • Visitors are only entitled to enter Magni­fiScience Centre (MSC) upon presenting a valid admission pass.Passes are non-refundable, non-exchangeable, non-transferable, and only valid for the date and time stated on them.
  • The price of the admission pass is non-negotiable and does not include charges for special exhibitions,
    science shows, food services, and any other additional activity inside the premises.
  • Visitors are advised to have the pass in their possession at all times during their visit. MSC staff
    reserves the right to inspect their pass inside the premises at any time.
  • To alter or deface the pass will render it void. MSC will not be responsible for any passes that are lost,
    stolen or destroyed. Replacement pass will only be issued subject to the discretion of MSC management.
  • In the interest of safety, MSC reserves the right to refuse admission or to request visitors to leave the premises at any time.
  • Entry is free for children under 2 years of age.
  • Children of age 12 and below must be supervised by an adult in all the exhibition areas as well as the Science Garden.
    Parents or supervisors of children will be responsible and accountable for the behaviour of the children they accompany.
    Teachers and supervisors of groups are responsible and accountable for the behaviour of their respective group members.
  • We promote diversity at MSC and encourage mutual respect for all visitors, particularly the elderly and differently abled.


To ensure that you have an enjoyable learning experience at MagnifiScience Centre (MSC), we request you to follow the rules laid out in our code of conduct.

  • Please follow the rules of each exhibit, wherever displayed, to ensure your own safety and compliance with the COVID-19 protocols.
  • Please refrain from damaging the buildings, exhibits, and other property of MSC. In case of damage occurring to any items present at MSC, the management reserves the right to charge equal market value of the product as per their evaluation.
  • Photography for commercial or broadcast purposes is not permitted unless prior permission is taken from the MSC management. Tripods and DSLR cameras are not allowed inside the premises.
  • Sale of photographs taken of exhibits at MSC or their reproduction for commercial purposes is not allowed without permission.
  • All exhibits at MSC are protected by copyright. It is an offence to copy any material/exhibit item inside MSC without the consent of the relevant copyright holder. Any such action may lead to criminal or civil penalties.
  • Lifts are provided for strollers, handicapped persons, pregnant women, and the elderly. Strollers should be parked in designated spaces within MSC.
  • Please do not leave your personal belongings unattended; we have a locker facility near the reception area where you can deposit them. Only essential items will be allowed inside.
  • All unattended items will be deposited in the locker room. Please contact our reception or locker staff for any lost and found items.
  • Directions from security guards or MSC staff must be followed at all times.


  • Bringing pets
  • Carrying explosives, ­firearms, knives, weapons, and noxious gases or substances
  • Bringing and consuming any illegal substances such as alcohol and narcotics
  • Running, climbing, or sitting on exhibits or railings
  • Writing or drawing on the walls and display cabinets
  • Entering any unauthorized area without prior permission
  • Separate bins for disposing off plastic, paper, and glass waste are placed across MSC.
  • Eating and spitting­ paan and ghutka
  • Creating a disturbance, yelling, or playing loud music
  • Soliciting, posting, or distributing any sign, notice, ad, or print material
  • Damaging or removing safety signs and barriers
  • Damaging the environment of the Science Garden including plucking flowers and plants, damaging trees, feeding ­fish, and littering the fi­shponds

Please refrain from:

  • Bringing food and drinks from outside except water and baby food
  • Eating and drinking in the exhibit areas
  • Smoking in areas other than those designated for it


Our visitors’ safety and security are our primary concern. To avoid any accidents or mishaps, we urge all our visitors to cooperate with us by following the Magni­Science Centre (MSC) code of conduct during their visit, as well as the safety and security instructions given by the sciencecentre staff.

Please remain alert to any announcements being made through the public address system, especially in case of an emergency.

In the event of an emergency and necessary evacuation, visitors are advised to stay calm and immediately leave the building through the marked exits following the concerned staff’s directions. Please familiarize yourself with the fi­re exits and assembly point indicated on the emergency evacuation maps placed inside MSC.

To avoid accidents and injuries, please be mindful of the glass doors and panes installed across MSC.

If a visitor becomes unwell or has an accident or injury whilst at the science centre, please notify our staff immediately. First aid services by our trained staff are available inside the facility.

MSC assumes no liability for any loss, damage, or injury occurring to people visiting the science centre nor for any loss or damage to the personal property of the visitors, no matter the grounds upon which such an action for compensation is based.